The newly appointed DOST Undersecretary for Regional Operations, Director Sancho A. Maborrang, invited Minister Aida Silongan to a one-hour virtual coordination meeting with MOST Top Management Officials to get to know each other and discuss the partnership and collaboration in the region. The said meeting was slated last Thursday, August 19, 2021.
Minister Silongan congratulated the newly appointed DOST Usec. for Regional Operations on his triumph. She was glad to meet Usec. Maborrang and believe that he will be a good leader for regional operations.
During the meeting, MOST Top Management Officials discussed with Usec. Maborrang the DOST National programs and projects supported by the ministry. These are ONE LAB, Halal Verification Laboratory, RXBox 1000 Project, Halal TNA, BHRDC and DOST Scholarship Programs.
Meanwhile, Engr. Melvin P. Jusi, Usec. Maborrang’s staff also presented some of the developments and new programs of the Department of Science and Technology, which the ministry might be interested in exploring, supporting and implementing for the Bangsamoro region.
Minister Silongan was pleased to know all of the developments and new programs of DOST. She commended the programs and projects lay down in the Bangsamoro region and said that the ministry would adapt and prioritize the national projects, programs, and activities that could help the Bangsamoro community in terms of livelihood, technology, health, innovation and regional pressing needs.
She also said that MOST would continually support and implement ongoing and upcoming national PPAs lay down to regional offices for implementation.
Usec. Maborrang happily thanked the minister and said that the Office of Undersecretary for Regional Operations is always open to assist the ministry for more development.