TODAY, July 16, 2024 – The Bangsamoro Government’s Ministry of Science and Technology participated in the 2024 National Invention Contest and Exhibits at the Manila Marriott Hotel, Pasay City.

The Department of Science and Technology – Technology Application and Promotion Institute (DOST-TAPI) spearheaded the event, which included inventors and competitors from various clusters in both the public and private sectors across the country, regional offices’ personnel, students, supporters, and other invention enthusiasts.

The event was led by DOST Secretary Renato Solidum Jr., TAPI Director Atty. Marion Ivy Decena, and other top DOST officials through an opening ceremony and ribbon cutting.

In the opening program, Secretary Solidum emphasized the importance of the NICE event as it provides greater opportunities for small-scale inventors and micro, small, and medium enterprises to bolster the development of their inventions. “It is a celebration of creativity, perseverance, and the drive to solve real-world problems,” Secretary Solidum added and highlighted.

Meanwhile, Mr. Al-Rhasid Panasang, MOST personnel, showcased and competed under the Likha Category Competition with his research invention entitled “Boosting Catch of Large Fish in Payao Through Propagation of Sound Waves.” This project aims to help fishermen increase their fish catch using Fish Aggregating Devices (FAD) that generate sound waves to attract schools of fish such as tuna and marlin. This invention will help sustain the fishing livelihood in communities.

The official pitching and presentation of Mr. Panasang is set for today, July 16, 2024, at 5:00 PM. The presentations of each entry are scheduled for two days, with the awarding ceremony on July 18.

Furthermore, Mr. Francisco Gecosala, also a competitor from the Mindanao Cluster, will showcase his invention “Turbo Rice Steamer” under the Utility Model Category. Other competitors will compete in various categories, including Invention, Utility Model, Industrial Design, Creative Research, and Student Creative Research for High School and College.

This year’s theme, “NICE Solutions” – a celebration of Novel, Innovative, Creative, and Exemplary Solutions – serves as a platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange, fostering a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to making a difference.



[Information and Communication]