In a significant phase to improve and ensure compliance among micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) with good manufacturing practices, the Bangsamoro Government’s Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) evaluated fifteen (15) cooperatives and enterprises in the provinces of Basilan, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi (BASULTA) from May 13 to 27, 2024.

The purpose of the activity was to assess the current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) of each beneficiary, their readiness for Halal Certification, and FDA-License to Operate (FDA-LTO). This assessment is part of the new program—Technology Assistance and Consultation Services (TechACS).

The following MSMEs underwent the cGMP assessment:


  1. La Hermanas Bake & Brew – Doughnuts
  2. Baas Women Cassava Homemade Food Trading Association – Cassava Chips
  3. Johny’s Bakeshop – Brownies
  4. Jezreel Coffee – Coffee
  5. Whabie MMK – Coconut
  6. Al-Khalid Bakery – For Nutribun Application



  1. Banguingui Women’s Cooperative – Bagungon/Spanish Sardines
  2. Osama Bin Anak Miskin – Coffee
  3. Bagsak Pilihan Women’s Association – Seaweed Crackers
  4. Tugas Women Association – Banana Chips
  5. Master Mubarak Bakeshop – For Nutribun Application



  1. Deen’s Bakeshop – For Nutribun
  2. Wrap Sarap – Sambal
  3. Timundun Women’s Association – Chili Paste
  4. Darul Islam Farmers Producers – Banana Jam


The cGMP assessment is essential for food manufacturers to ensure adherence to good manufacturing practices and the production of safe food products. The evaluation process included regulatory standard assessment, documentation review, physical inspection, hygiene practices, sanitation procedures, quality control, employee training, and other essential activities for food production assessment.

This initiative by MOST underscores the commitment to elevating the standards and capabilities of MSMEs in the BASULTA provinces, promoting safe and quality food production, and fostering economic empowerment within the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).


[Information and Communication]