BASULTA, BARMM – To improve the technical writing skills and knowledge of researchers in Basilan, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi (BASULTA), the Bangsamoro Government’s Ministry of Science and Technology upskilled 46 researchers through the Technical Writing Writeshop: Crafting Competitive R&D Proposals for BARMM. The workshop was held from June 10 to 12, 2024, at Mindanao State University – Tawi-Tawi College of Technology and Oceanography (MSU-TCTO) in Bongao, Tawi-Tawi.


The main objective of the activity was to equip Bangsamoro researchers with the essential knowledge, skills, and tools to write clear, concise, and impactful research proposals that meet the ministry’s standards. This initiative aims to develop more compelling research proposals, leading to increased research output and innovation within the BARMM region.


The three-day rigorous program included lectures, presentations, and interactive workshops. Engr. Benbellah-Ali Dandamun, Senior Science Research Specialist, discussed and promoted the Harmonized BARMM Research and Development Agenda (HBRDA) and the MOST Call for Proposals for CY 2025 Funding. Ma-arifa-Janna Hussain, Accountant I, also provided tips for preparing line-item budgets and other financial requirements.


Dr. Melvin Jabar, a resource speaker from De La Salle University, delivered lectures on preparing research proposals, structuring the research problem, conducting iterative literature reviews, using NVivo, and preparing research proposals for externally funded projects. Meanwhile, Dr. Ericson Alieto from Western Mindanao State University discussed citation tools, hands-on applications, choosing appropriate research designs and methods, and writing the results, discussion, conclusion, and recommendations sections.


Participants were also able to present their research proposals, which were critiqued by panelists to assess and provide recommendations for improvement. They expressed gratitude for the training, noting that it enhanced their knowledge and skills in crafting competitive R&D proposals.


Through the MOST Bangsamoro Experts Engagement Project (BEEP), this capacity-building initiative aims to foster a strong research culture in the region by empowering researchers with the knowledge and skills to contribute to R&D initiatives and scientific innovation in BARMM.


Furthermore, by improving BARMM researchers’ capabilities, they will be better equipped to acquire research grants and drive scientific advancement in the Bangsamoro region.




[Information and Communication]