“The best amongst you are those who have the best manners and character. (Bukhari)” a pearl of wisdom from the Work Attitudes and Values Enhancement Seminar (WAVES) conducted by the Ministry of Science and Technology last March 19-22, 2021, at Eden Nature Park, Davao City. More than seventy (70) MOST employees went through Values Enhancement Training.
The said training intends to increase values that are upright to moral governance instilled by the Bangsamoro Government.
“We should apply what we have learned during our training. I hope those desirable work attitudes will be seen in us from now on. Also, forget those undesirable characteristics of an employee. Backbiting must be eradicated in the workplace.” Minister Aida Silongan said during the closing program.
She also hoped that everyone would adhere, internalize and implement all the positive values and attitudes they learned during the training.
The three-day training focused mainly on topics such as Values Inventory and Enhancement, Akhlaq in Fostering Positive Work Attitude, Helping People Take Responsibility, Desirable Characteristics of an Ideal Staff, Undesirable Characteristics of a Staff, Time Management, Team Work and Leadership and Ihsan in the Pursuit of Excellent Service, respectively.
Additionally, the said training aims to:
1. Describe and appreciate the good manners and character of a good employee and teamwork
2. Understand the value of proper management of time
3. Identify the right attitudes towards work that help people take responsibility
4. Familiarize the factors of values and attitude which help to sustain daily works
5. Refresh knowledge on the significance of values in life
In the Bangsamoro Government, MOST was the first ministry to conduct Values Enhancement Training for its employees. It is the second phase of the BARMM’s Moral Governance Values Training after the Values Transformation Training.